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Happy food:
Food plays a central role in our lives. It marks special events. Familiar aromas of traditional foods set a festive atmosphere and remind us of our heritages. Food accompanies most family and friendly gatherings, it can be used to express love, compassion, personal gestures and a lot of time food is a source of comfort.
I like t think that nourishing food is a wonderful tool to support our physical and emotional health. I hope that I can cater to customers for whom the food I prepare will provide tasty solutions, whether they are sensitive to, or try to abstain from specific ingredients, or perhaps some that try to lead a healthy lifestyle and try to stick to clean food with knowledge of what is inside it, or even customers who just love to try something new and a bit different and enjoy food that is fresh, real and full of life.
My connection to vegan food and the transfer to plant based cooking was a gradual process that felt very natural to me, primarily guided by what my palette and body enjoyed most, as well as the raw materials with which I enjoy working the most.
The 'limitations' I adopted by defining the food I prepare as vegan and wholesome helps me focus my creativity. I personally do not believe that vegan food should try and imitate non vegan foods (in total contradiction to myriad of cheese substitutes my deli offers, and several other salads I prepare) as the creative richness of food is infinite and I feel that we're just scratching the surface. Having said that, as mentioned I do attempt to make quite a few 'established' foods substitutes both for the creative challenge of recreating flavours and textures with different materials, and also, to accommodate some people who may miss these things or simply give a creation I made a name that gives people a reference as for the experience they should anticipate.
Other regards that guided me to plant based cooking are environmental considerations regarding the sustainability of the meat, dairy and eggs industry and their effect on our planet. From a health perspective, the effect of this mass producing industry has on the meat and dairy we eat (like any mass produced foods) leaves it nutritionally poorer. More specifically, my family has a myriad of different sensitivities to milk and dairy products, which throughout the last few years has combined with the sinking in of the fact that we are the only animal that consumes milk past infancy, and not only that, but we consume milk of other animals that are supposed to be nourishing their offspring and may be biolgically less suitable for our needs.
So on top of these agendas, if my perspective on food is also one that can support and encourage an ideology where less animals are born, grown, suffer and killed for our needs, then this is just the cherry on top of this nice cream.
These considerations on the one hand, and the pure enjoyment of plant-based foods taste and effect on my physical feeling on the other (more dominant) hand gradually attracted me to more plant based cooking.
My personal kitchen varies with seasonality. I feel it is important to be considerate of what our land provides for us and use these as a sustainable collaboration with the land (and with our pockets, because let's face it, seasonal consumerism is often more economic).
Many of the things on my menu (especially the deli menu) do not reflect seasonality as they do not use much fresh produce. I aspire to begin cooking fresh meals which will be offered on my website soon and change on a weekly basis. Seasonality changes not only what we choose to eat, but often, the flavours of the same products that we do eat. Personally I find it exciting and interesting, as well as really tasty sometimes, and sometimes a bit less so. I try to enjoy these changes with the focus that this is the taste of nature.
My recipes and dishes are not strictly aimed at people attempting to lose weight ( although customers which are searching for low calorie / low fat or low carbohydrate food will be very well catered for here). I simply believe that clean, unprocessed foods are better used by the body and support a healthier metabolism in general.
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